Circling Skies

Photographer: Cade Sadler

Under the moniker Circling Skies, Brooklyn-based multi-instrumentalist and recording engineer Nolan Thies confects intricate, reverb-saturated melodies with a fastidious devotion to detail. Sonic nods to seminal shoegaze acts abound, but each song bears witness to Thies’ own distinctive lexicon, an aural vocabulary of textures and soundscapes finely calibrated to evoke sensations of both serenity and urgency. The tension lends a wistful grandeur to every insistent hook and singable refrain. And by pairing pop structural idioms with lyrical explorations on a range of human frailties, Thies manages to broach universal themes without ever spoiling the immediacy and joy of the moment. The results are instantly gratifying, but a rich quarry awaits all who are willing to dive beneath the densely stratified instrumentation to locate the music’s emotional substructure. That's where the details reside, below the sea of sound— shimmering like pearls in the darkness.

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Eliot Krimsky

